
Showing posts from 2018

Epic Christmas Relationships: Epilations

Tonight, our young couple group met to celebrate our Savior’s birth. We had a lot of laughs, shared our favorite Christmas traditions , ate great food, enjoyed a white elephant gift exchange, and played a spirited game of Catch Phrase. The house was full of couples and their children, and my heart was overwhelmed with love as I observed and enjoyed our LIFE group. We howled with laughter or oohed and ahhed, as we opened the creative and hilarious white elephant gifts. Our version of white elephant required a gift from home you did not want or need, wrapped to bless someone else. We had an assortment of Christmas decorations, Japanese gifts which needed translation, pictures of the family who gave the gift, and even a bathroom guest book. The laughter and jokes flowed around the room all evening.   As I watched and tried to capture a few pictures of the event, my heart overflowed. There are no pictures that can express the love and connection felt in this room. This is

Balance from the Beach

While vacationing with my family on the beach this week, I learned some valuable lessons. I struggle with work-life balance, and even forcing myself to vacation is a struggle. I am always going, thinking, or planning and it is difficult to turn off my mind (and my email). However, this vacation has taught me some balance from the beach.  1. Breathe in the Breeze Take the time to shut everything off, close your eyes and just breathe. Smell the air, clear your mind, and focus on the present. Quieting your mind, being still and supplying your mind with fresh oxygen can be stimulating, invigorating and relaxing at the same time.  2. Avoid the Jellyfish When you swim where Jellyfish live, you might get stung if you are not looking. So, keep your eyes open to see when the electrifying tentacles of negativity start to creep up on you in the waves. Sometimes you will get stung, but that is a lesson to be more proactive in avoiding those beautiful, yet, painful creatures.  It