One of THOSE days

I have been called to serve alongside an amazing group of people in ACF Kids. We have an empowered team who do life together, pray over each other, love on one another, all while equipping small and mighty disciples to amplify the grace of Jesus to the churched, unchurched, and de-churched. Every day I see God moving in the classrooms through these beautiful souls. However, there are days when you see God moving in unexplainable ways. The days when your heart feels emotions that are too great for actual words to describe. I suppose this is what King David felt as he danced and shouted praise in the Psalms. Today was one of those days.

One of those days...when an Elementary Team Captain, Michael Everett, decided to show his love for Jesus Christ through an outward expression of faith. He was BAPTIZED! The whole team rallied and showed flexibility and grace as they covered rooms so he and his wife could go upstairs for the baptism. He shared that he has been praying over this decision and serving on the ACF Kids team helped him make this step forward, as he has felt more connected and loved since being a part of our team. God is so good.

One of those days...when FIVE elementary kids showed up to serve as a Kid Captain. They want to show who God is by modeling His love to others through acts of service. We had one Kid Captain checking in families, one holding a toddler who used to cry non-stop but was happy as a clam, and three Kid Captains playing games and dancing with a room full of preschoolers trying to hula hoop. These kids model grace and love in a way that is so completely innocent and kind. If. you want to remember why serving matters ask one of these Kid Captains, and you will recognize God moving through these small and mighty disciples. 

One of those days... when a room of elementary kids was praising God, hands raised, and voices lifted. They even asked to sing another worship song, and a kindergartner said, "I was crying when we were singing because I love God so much."  This pure and unrestrained worship is moving and powerful to experience and witness.



One of those days... when you have a kiddo hand you a letter they drew just for you. The letter that states, "You are the very best. I hope you stay for a long time."  The serve team member, Cali, is a vibrant and lovely lady with sass and pizazz. She serves in our elementary classroom, and after receiving this letter shared, "If I ever questioned myself about serving with ACF Kids this says it all. These little souls are so precious. We love because God loves. I felt it returned tonight.

One of those days... when some interested volunteers were introduced and asked to be connected on the team. They are dealing with a personal tragedy in their lives that is very fresh and new. They are mourning and grieving; yet, they want to serve and love others. We were blessed with a chance to pray over them and had other service team members who walked up and laid their hands on us as we prayed. The tears were fresh and falling all the way around that circle of love.

One of those days...when your heart cannot contain the love God has surrounded you with, and you recognize you are in exactly the right place at the right time. Praise God for allowing this team to become my family. Thank you to the ACF Kids Family for allowing me to walk alongside you in this journey of love and service. Thank you to the ACF community for allowing us to serve your kids even when it is one of those days.

Thank you, Jesus, for one of those days.



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