You might wonder and ask me why
What was the reason to seek this position
In part, an act of obedience to apply
The skills He has gifted in humble submission
But I hit submit because my heart is breaking
I am standing on the other side of good
Where the policy and politics are faking
Where hope, faith, and God once stood
I see how much ground we are losing each day
The passion and love for the human has faded
The joy that once colored learning now bleak and gray
And the educators of the world growing more jaded
The politicians crying out for more accountability
Relying on more funding or testing to be a magical savior
The education system no longer running on sensibility
And the schools are overloaded with bad behavior
Identity should not come from a pronoun preference
Or from labels the world defines as equitable
Gender selection should not be the school's point of reference
Keeping kids from reaching the potential for which they are capable
I became an educator to love kids where they are
Yet I can see we need to be better positioned in this fight
The line between good and evil has become a bloody scar
This battle needs more than teachers, it must infuse God's might
We need to push boundaries, be bold, be brave
Igniting the truth that Christ's family is the foundation
We must infuse love that kids and families crave
Spreading the gospel into actual faith formation
Though, I cannot give up the fight on the world's side of the line
As I believe we are called to be disciples in the midst of broken
For this little light of mine, I am gonna let it shine, let it shine
Persecution, too churchy, and removal of hope is a followers token
Yet, I will not be silenced and am obeying the call to do more
More to help families stand on a solid rock of love to embrace
More to spread the gospel of Good News than ever before
To love, to empower, educate, and share God's saving grace
Though if two sides to the coin you cannot allow
Or from labels the world defines as equitable
Gender selection should not be the school's point of reference
Keeping kids from reaching the potential for which they are capable
I became an educator to love kids where they are
Yet I can see we need to be better positioned in this fight
The line between good and evil has become a bloody scar
This battle needs more than teachers, it must infuse God's might
We need to push boundaries, be bold, be brave
Igniting the truth that Christ's family is the foundation
We must infuse love that kids and families crave
Spreading the gospel into actual faith formation
Though, I cannot give up the fight on the world's side of the line
As I believe we are called to be disciples in the midst of broken
For this little light of mine, I am gonna let it shine, let it shine
Persecution, too churchy, and removal of hope is a followers token
Yet, I will not be silenced and am obeying the call to do more
More to help families stand on a solid rock of love to embrace
More to spread the gospel of Good News than ever before
To love, to empower, educate, and share God's saving grace
Though if two sides to the coin you cannot allow
I will continue to be part of the mission
But this fight I must continue somehow
Even if it is to give guidance and some vision
You have a passionate partner in me either way
An educator was who God created inside of me
Blessed-To-Do with love every single day
To help others become who they were created to be
So instead of why, ask me where do we begin
So instead of why, ask me where do we begin
Let's start with the place of deception and deceit
There is a battleground we must overcome and win
For, the future is now and we must not admit defeat
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