Dear Educators...Are You Heart Ready with love?
Dear Educators,
The end of summer break is in sight
The halls are waxed in anticipation
Supplies stocked and sorted with care
Most purchased by the teacher w/o reservation
While smells of pencils and glue fill the air
Teachers, staff, and administration
Everything is ready to go it would appear
You just have to answer one question
As you prepare for the the upcoming year
Entertain new ideas and perspectives with love
To all the educators around the world,
May the lessons this year be stuck like glue and forever last
May the pencils, motivation, and joy never grow dull
May the supply of patience be never ending and steadfast
May the walls of your classroom be a haven for all
The end of summer break is in sight
As classrooms are lovingly decorated
Bulletin boards colorful and bright
Desks are assigned and lessons created
The halls are waxed in anticipation
Supplies stocked and sorted with care
Most purchased by the teacher w/o reservation
While smells of pencils and glue fill the air
Teachers, staff, and administration
Everything is ready to go it would appear
You just have to answer one question
As you prepare for the the upcoming year
Is your HEART READY with love?
Hear their voices not just their words with love
Embrace families as part of your team with love
Recognize the unique genius in all with love
Entertain new ideas and perspectives with love
Ask creative questions with love
Dream with your students daily with love
To all the educators around the world,
May the lessons this year be stuck like glue and forever last
May the pencils, motivation, and joy never grow dull
May the supply of patience be never ending and steadfast
May the walls of your classroom be a haven for all
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