Summer Bucket List
There are only a few days of school left!!! So, I asked my 9-year-old about her summer bucket list. The answers were not quite what I was expecting, but they warmed my heart and I had to share.
Lily's Summer Bucket List
1. Go to our new church
2. Go for family bike rides
3. Go to the library a lot
4. Read under the trees
5. Read with Mommy on a blanket
6. Play games
7. Camping
9. Cuddling with Mommy and Daddy
10. Exercise with my family
Her bucket list is simple, yet so incredibly powerful. Her faith and heart are innocent and beautiful, and her list stunned me. I was thinking of all the places we could go, saving for a vacation I am not sure we will be able to afford, and finding time to fit in a new job, gymnastics, karate, and workout time. However, she listed activities that involved spending time with our family, God, and sharing the greatest gift; love. My little girl has her priorities straight, and her list helped me to see this is going to be the best summer we have ever had. We will make time to simply spend time together, living, laughing and loving.
My Summer Bucket List
1. Do everything on Lilyan's list
Lily's Summer Bucket List
1. Go to our new church
2. Go for family bike rides
3. Go to the library a lot
4. Read under the trees
5. Read with Mommy on a blanket
6. Play games
7. Camping
in the backyard
8. Swimming at the lake at least two days9. Cuddling with Mommy and Daddy
10. Exercise with my family
Her bucket list is simple, yet so incredibly powerful. Her faith and heart are innocent and beautiful, and her list stunned me. I was thinking of all the places we could go, saving for a vacation I am not sure we will be able to afford, and finding time to fit in a new job, gymnastics, karate, and workout time. However, she listed activities that involved spending time with our family, God, and sharing the greatest gift; love. My little girl has her priorities straight, and her list helped me to see this is going to be the best summer we have ever had. We will make time to simply spend time together, living, laughing and loving.
My Summer Bucket List
1. Do everything on Lilyan's list
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