After standing in the wind ,at a freezing track meet and eating a cold picnic dinner, I had cooled off enough to reflect. Is the April face of this teacher a problem because of my own lack of focus on my actions and words?
I am a firm believer that we should use choice words in our classroom, never use sarcasm, nor should you yell. Yelling becomes white noise after awhile, and sarcasm is just anger's ugly cousin. Choice words help to steer students to the expected behavior and do not highlight the negative. I have been heavily trained in Positive Behavior Supports and Interventions and know it works. If you want to change the classroom behaviors then do not demand control, gently guide by choosing your words wisely.
So, the rest of the week I am going back to the basics of SPRING.
- Smile before I respond. (Take a moment to think a happy thought and reply with a smile)
- Positives first. (According to PBIS you should have a 5 to 1 ratio for positives to redirects)
- Reply to questions with renewed vigor instead of a frustrated sigh or tone.
- Individual student behaviors will be handled one on one, and not across the room.
- Notice the behaviors I want and call them out loud and proud.
- Give permission for brain breaks every 15 minutes for you and your students.
I hope you will join me as we welcome SPRING into our classrooms, homes, and businesses. If you give it a try I am sure you find the rewards to be plenty and the joy to be invigorating. Please share and comment to spread the warmth of SPRING.
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