Blooming to Home

I know that it has been a long while since I last posted to my blog. However, life has been getting in the way, and it has been a struggle to find the “divine urge” to write. I am too positive a person to want to write without some inspirational tone flowing through the words. Yet, I fear that I am missing out on valuable “teachable moments,” due to my reluctance to share frustrations concerning my beloved profession.

Moving 4,737 miles across the country has been stressful, exciting, interesting and a struggle at times. However, I know that where there is rain the rainbow always follows.  So, I remain positive and steadfast knowing that the Lord has already worked everything out for my family and I.  So, adjusting and taking one day at a time has become infused into my motto of; “bloom where you are planted.”

Yet, blooming can be hard to do when the soil you find yourself transplanted into is harsh, full of pesky, life-consuming insects, and the greenhouse dictators try to change or break the very soul, spirit and color of the bloom.  I know that I am wilting even as I try to strive on the little nutrients that make each day worth it.  However, what do you do when you find that the top soil is the only nutrient rich material, and that once that is blown away in the wind, all that is left is sand that does not allow roots to take hold?  Do you try harder to implant yourself into that soft and gritty substance? Do you reach out to store up any rain and food from the sunlight to remain strong enough to work your roots into the system? Or do you daydream about the rich, black, nutrient infused soil that you once knew, and still love?

Well, I never believe you can just give up. However, is learning where you do not want to be in life any less significant than understanding how to survive in any climate or culture? Acclimating and becoming accustomed to the “new” can be difficult, and I believe it takes time to adjust. Yet, I have since learned that knowing no matter how acclimated you have become to a situation does not mean you have to make it a custom or cultural change in your life.  Sometimes the greatest lessons in life are learned through the realization that this is not what you desire, and less about trying to find a way to “make it work.”

So, while acclimating to Florida and the new school system, I have learned many valuable lessons. Lessons, which I cannot ignore because they will destroy my bloom and will impede the growth of the beautiful plants my children are becoming.  Therefore, we are pulling up our non-rooted lives and going to a place we call home. A place where there are less populated flowerbeds, and more open spaces to thrive. A place where our roots have been established and where we are ready to slide back into the familiar, the quiet, and the loving embrace of many careful and attentive gardeners. 

We have taught our children how to adapt, embrace change, and learn from each new experience. We have given them wings to fly, but now we are going to give them roots to plant their cultured hearts. So, in the future, when they go out to spread their wings, they will always know there is a place called “home.” 

I will be teaching 4th grade at Cardinal and Gavin is the Director of Medical Simulation at the College of Medicine at Des Moines University. Our children are beyond excited to be back in Iowa and away from Florida. They are less inclined to give a positive reflection of Florida than I, so they are bubbling with joy to be "home."  We are searching for a house, and praying God knows how blessed we feel to have His shining love light our path. We hope to continue to bloom and make room for many years of gracious gardening. Thank you Lord for teaching us how to fight through the drought and showing us when it was time to replant. 


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