I teach my
students about the power of perspective and getting out of their comfort zone
all the time, but sometimes I need to listen to my own “preaching.”
and I have been preparing for a major move 4700 miles away from our cozy
Alaskan home.
Gavin has earned a
position as Director of Medical Simulation at the College of Medicine for the
University of Central Florida, and I will be teaching at the most academically
prestigious high school in Florida, Hagerty High School. We are actually
enroute on our newest adventure from the Alaskan Tundra to Florida
It will be quite a change in
scenery and climate, but after the -17 degree temperature we had last week, 75
sounds heavenly.
Outside of the weather,
I have had mixed emotions about the move, but have
cast my burdens upon the
I have been
keeping this move quiet for a while in an attempt to transition my students,
families and to help prepare my replacement at school. However, as it all began to pick up in speed
with movers, working through the stress of getting a new teaching license in
another state, and finding a job for myself, I began to feel scared, worried,
fearful and anxious. My heart was clouded with emotions and I was despondent
that I would be leaving my students in the middle of the school year. I found myself unable to sleep, having
nightmares, and sick to my stomach. I even started losing weight and having
headaches daily.
However, just as I started to feel flooded with
fear of the unknown, and worrying about the details I was given a touch of
perspective. Not only from my students who have been very helpful, kind, and
caring through everything, but also my colleagues who were constantly bringing
me warm wishes throughout the entire process.
I keep reminding myself there are people who need much more than just
relief from stress found in moving a family of five and a classroom across the

There are many
people who do not have jobs, or family and friends who care for them. There are
families out there without their health and the resources necessary to get through
the month. I know there are families who do not have enough to eat or adequate
money to provide warm clothing for their children.
I know this because I see it daily in my
profession. Many of my students, past and present, come from impoverished homes
and need more than just an academic education. They need their basic needs met,
and more often than not, this becomes my first priority in my room.
How can you teach about the degrees of
adjectives if the child is thinking about a rumbling stomach?
However, this was
not the only perspective I have been given the past few weeks. When I felt
overwhelmed I thought of all the love pouring out around the world for Loren
Lettington and his family. This young family needed prayers and support and we
wanted to help in any way we could. The
response has been breathtaking. There are over 5000 views on my blog and this
is coming in from all around the world. 12 countries have viewed the blog and
about 30 individuals have sent in donations. My own children handed Gavin and I cash they
wished to donate from the money they have worked hard to earn. The selfless acts by many have been
awe-inspiring, and the love radiating from this family is truly remarkable. I
hope that we can continue to raise money for Loren. I know that God is in
control as He has carried this family this far in this terrifying journey, and
will be with them daily.

Loren has made it
through so much already, but the prayers cannot stop now. He and his lovely
wife flew home on Monday and are in
City at the University of Iowa Hospitals. They are receiving excellent care
around the clock and family support is definitely more hands on now that they
are back in the United States. However, Loren has now developed pneumonia and
needs continued support and care.
The family wanted to relay a
message to everyone out there praying and sharing in this arduous journey with
the family.
“ At
this point we just ask that people continue to pray, as a family we have begun
to understand the power of prayer. Even though we believed in His love before
we just have come to see His great glory over the past two weeks. So many amazing things have happened over the
past two weeks and we know it is because of prayer and our AMAZING God! Loren
is getting settled in Iowa City, but has been diagnosed with pneumonia. Megan
and the kids will be staying up there close to him during this time. The rest
of the family will be making trips to visit and will continue helping with the
care of Briar and Hadley. We are very thankful for all the prayers and support
that we have received. The love and support is simply overwhelming and very
humbling. Loren is an amazing young man and we are so truly blessed to have him
in our lives. Also, we ask that you continue to pray for Loren's coworkers who
were with him at the time of the accident, as this has been extremely difficult
on them as well.”
I am reminded of
the verse in
1: 2-4, “ Dear brothers and sisters whenever trouble comes you way, let it
be an opportunity for joy. For you’re your faith is tested your endurance has a
chance to grow. So let it grow, for when you r endurance is fully developed,
you will be strong in character and ready for anything.”
This family has had their faith tested,
endured much, and have developed a character that can be admired. They are
struggling with their own needs, but seek prayers for others. I am amazed at
their humbling faith in the Lord and reliance on prayers.
Their entire family
is out of their comfort zone, and the unknown is scary and daunting. The
traveling between the hospital and home is very taxing on the budget as well as
on their emotional and physical well being.
So, get yourself out of your comfort zone and share this link. Let’s
raise even more and give a gift of compassion to a family in need. I am imploring you to please, look inside
your hearts and see if you can meet the challenge, and give a dollar, five or

and spend time in prayer, and I promise as soon as you hit the donate button
your perspective will be altered. I know this because God is living and
breathing through the followers of this blog. After all in
Peter 4: 10 the Word tells us; “God has given gifts to each of you from his
great variety of spiritual gifts. Manage them well so that God’s generosity can
flow through you.”
So, manage your gifts
God has given to you this season and allow generosity to flow around the world.
Gain a new perspective that spreads comfort
and joy to a family who need peace and the gift of miracles.
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