Dear Educators...Are You Heart Ready with love?

Dear Educators, The end of summer break is in sight As classrooms are lovingly decorated Bulletin boards colorful and bright Desks are assigned and lessons created The halls are waxed in anticipation Supplies stocked and sorted with care Most purchased by the teacher w/o reservation While smells of pencils and glue fill the air Teachers, staff, and administration Everything is ready to go it would appear You just have to answer one question As you prepare for the the upcoming year Is your HEART READY with love ? H ear their voices not just their words with love E mbrace families as part of your team with love A ccept every student for who they are and where they are with love R ecognize the unique genius in all with love T each what you expect and expect what you teach with love R esist the urge to give up when facing challenges with love E ntertain new ideas and perspectives with love A sk ...