Chemical Warfare Part 2

(Please see part 1 if you have stumbled upon part 2 first) Keeping to my word, after our first meeting, I sent suggestions to Ms. Footinmouth. I inquired how Nehemiah was progressing on a regular basis until Christmas break. Everything seemed to be getting better, and my son was not crying as much to go to school. Though something still did not feel right, and I thought it was just the Mommy in me harboring some resentment from our first meeting. Sadly, I was wrong. In April, after no news except for good news at the second set of conferences, I received a long email from the teacher. The email stated how she has been struggling all year with my child. She shared how his behavior was not allowing her to spend enough time with other students because she had to remind him to take out his materials, repeat directions and get him to focus. He was being sent to the principal's office that same day for his defiance during math, and she was really not sure what to do anymore. She r...