Blooming to Home

I know that it has been a long while since I last posted to my blog. However, life has been getting in the way, and it has been a struggle to find the “divine urge” to write. I am too positive a person to want to write without some inspirational tone flowing through the words. Yet, I fear that I am missing out on valuable “teachable moments,” due to my reluctance to share frustrations concerning my beloved profession. Moving 4,737 miles across the country has been stressful, exciting, interesting and a struggle at times. However, I know that where there is rain the rainbow always follows. So, I remain positive and steadfast knowing that the Lord has already worked everything out for my family and I. So, adjusting and taking one day at a time has become infused into my motto of; “bloom where you are planted.” Yet, blooming can be hard to do when the soil you find yourself transplanted into is harsh, full of pesky, life-consuming insects, and the greenhouse di...