The Christmas Letter Tradition

The Christmas Letter is a tradition in a lot of homes around this time. However, in the Gardner household, it takes on a different meaning. We do not send out a standard Christmas Letter to our family and friends, instead, our Christmas Letter is a love letter written to one another. We actually started the tradition because we did not have enough money to buy each other a gift on Christmas. We decided to write a letter in lieu of a gift and placed it on the tree with a pretty bow. Then on Christmas morning we sat cuddled together with a cup of coffee and opened our letters. The first year of the Christmas Letter created an annual outpouring of love. Even after we could afford gifts, we have honored and cherished this precious gift more than any material item that could be purchased. Therefore, we still do not buy gifts, as our letters are more precious than rubies. Our letters go on our tree every year, and we open the current year on Christmas morning together. The l...