Alaska Adventure Update Month 2

It has already been close to two months since my feet found themselves planted back in the place we love, Alaska. I arrived about two months ago with a suitcase of clothing and a suitcase of books (#proudnerd). I arrived and started my new position, began house hunting, car shopping, and navigating life without my best friend by my side. It was the first time I was alone, and I recognized some things about myself in the last two months that I never knew. #1 -Even if I am lonely, I am never really alone as God is always there #2- I have become dependent on my spouse - when he is not here things are more difficult #3- I can forget to eat for a few days when I am busy and no one asks, "what is for dinner?" Let me fill you in on how this adventure has been going so far. (Warning- Long post so scan the headlines for what you want to know) The Purpose-Driven Work: I truly love my role at the Department of Education and Early Development. I work as the Progr...