I am ...

I am a child of God I have faith in the Lord, hope in His promises, and strive to love others as Christ has called His children to do. I believe that we are in a time when we can easily forget our human form was fearfully and wonderfully made. We can become so wrapped up in the what-ifs that we take our worry and anger out on anyone who does not reside in the echo chamber of doubt and fear with us. We can judge others if they do not believe all the fake-news stories that float through the air faster than a virus. However, in this household, we will not be plagued by unkindness, we will not show hatred towards our brothers and sisters (masks or no masks), nor will we fall victim to believing the media hype that tells us we should be afraid to be human. I am human This is a saying that I have always used with my kids, "God made dirt, and dirt don't hurt." This attitude came in large part because I was raised by my grandfather who was born in 1918. He used to...