
Showing posts from April, 2020

Pandemic Perspective

Our son, graduated early from high school this year and was sworn into the Marines by his dad, a Lieutenant in the Navy. This Friday he graduates from Marine boot camp as a United States Marine! OORAH. This amazing accomplishment is something families are not allowed to attend due to the pandemic, which is heartbreaking and spirit-crushing. However, we remain focused on the positives, as this does not change his goal one bit. His training continues albeit some new requirements and restrictions, but the military teaches you to adapt and overcome. As a military family, we use the term Semper Gumby, which means always flexible! We are well-versed in embracing change as an opportunity for growth, so we are looking at the pandemic as a way to improve our perspective moving forward. Our two daughters are also learning to adapt to this new normal. This next year will be our oldest daughter's senior year and I wonder about the impact this pandemic will have on her high school exper...

The Miracle of (One Day) Now

The Miracle of One Day Now  By: Allie Gardner  We have a calendar posted by the back door Detailing our lives and obligations and much more  There used to be something important listed for each day  And when I would rush by with a weary sigh Iā€™d say,  ā€œ One day God, I just want some white space.ā€ Not just events piled with time, people, and place Until then my resolve, focus, and coffee would just have to be stronger  As I rushed out the door with my list of to-dos growing longer  I rationalized this busy schedule would only last for a season  That one day I would balance life, activities, and work within reason One day I would have the time to slow down and smell the roses  One day we would be able to enjoy what was right under our noses But for now, I had work to be done, money to be made, and children to raise  I justified that I have to give more, achieve more, succeed more in this phase Then one...