A Little Community Is A Big Deal
Community is connecting. As a military family, we have moved around a lot. However, we have been blessed to be planted in Norwalk for the past three years and have loved this connected, welcoming, and spirited community. This is the longest we have been in one place, and have enjoyed the city wide events, May Day Baskets that show up on the doorstep, Fourth of July parade, goofy jokes on Halloween, and Santa coming around on the fire engine. Community is supporting. I am an educational and leadership consultant for schools, churches, military and businesses, and have taught all around the country. I have thoroughly enjoyed the school system here, and believe this district truly values and supports students and teachers. As a mom of three, this is especially important to our family as well. The community supports the schools with new teacher luncheons, events for games, tailgates , and police men and women showing up to high five kids on the first day of school or pass out candy ...