Facebook Feed: The Power of Words

Our church, Crossroads in Norwalk, has been a wonderful new home for our family. We have come to enjoy new friends and fellowship and are feeling connected more than ever before. This past week Pastor Glen and his wife, Sally, paid for half of the subscription to an amazing collection of bible studies online for the entire church family. This subscription is through RightNow Media and it has an app and everything. Gavin, Nehemiah and I watched a great study entitled, "Watch Your Mouth." We had a wonderful discussion about the power of our tongues, and the ways we destroy or build up those around us. I was overcome with guilt as I thought about all the ways I have harmed or hurt others with my words in the past. I confess I have had problems with profanity, careless insults or inappropriate comments. Another area I acknowledge as a weakness for me is gossiping. Dave Ramsey defines it as talking to someone about someone else or venting a problem when that ...