A True Educator = My Husband

Every time I go to the doctor who is hosting a medical student, someone says, "Gavin Gardner is your husband?! I love that guy! He is hilarious." I was beginning to wonder if he just went around with a joke book in his pocket all day or something. However, today I learned why he is famous among the medical students in our area. I had the pleasure of attending a lecture of which my husband, Gavin Gardner, was a facilitator. It was by far the most enjoyable, engaging, and enlightening two hours of my teaching career, and this is not coming from a place of bias. The content was medically-based and important for patient safety; however, it was not the content that made this lecture come alive. The educator, Gavin, breathed life into every aspect of it. Each story Gavin told, the videos he embedded, and the pieces of information he relayed were delivered in a way that gave students more than just content knowledge. He taught students not material, and that m...