Cancer...the monster is real a parent you understand there is a variety of them in this world. The imaginary ones that like to hide under beds or in the closet. The snaggle-toothed ones that growl every time the furnace kicks on in the dark basement. The green ones that seem to be portrayed as a friendly, blob on tv. Then there are the ones based in real life. The bully on the bus, the dog down the street, the neighbors cat, or the creepy guy that follows your daughter a little too closely in the grocery store. As a mother, protecting your children from these monsters is a 24:7 job. However, we can never fully understand the reason some monsters suddenly attack, and when one of the scariest monsters hits we are powerless to deflect its blows. This monster is named "Cancer." Cancer...A six letter word that is more terrifying than most of the monsters we have battled for our babies. One that brings you to your knees and tests the faith of even the strongest believers. As a mom, it is one wo...