The Christmas Letter

Facebook posts are full of Christmas trees going up and bright lights filling the rooms with joy. Our family tree is up as well, and the ornaments full of memories are hanging from the branches. However, if you see our tree you will notice a slightly different aspect. Our tree is also filling up with letters wrapped in bows. As my husband and I do not exchange gifts of a traditional sense. Instead, we write a letter to one another about our year together. You can see the different seasons of our life in the paper and bows. The letters started out on lined notebook paper, then typing paper, moved to construction paper, and in the past few years we have graduated to "fancy" paper. The letters even tell a story without reading them. For instance, the "year of the scissors." One set of letters is cut up because that was the year Lilyan decided scissors were "too cool." She cut the blinds, curtains, sheets, her hair (into a mullet), and anything else sh...