The Tradition of the Christmas Letter

The season of giving is here! Tomorrow families around the world will celebrate the greatest gift ever given, Jesus Christ. The way we celebrate may be different, but the feelings of love and reverence are felt globally. This is also the time of year when traditions are very important and seem to reign over the way we do everything. Some traditions are a melding of two families blended into one or are created because of an accidental occurrence, fluke or a "one time thing" that stuck. Others are just great stories that have become a loved piece of a family's history. In our household we have a variety of traditions, which have crept their way into our lives. Some have been created or born because of our military lifestyle, necessity or our own beliefs, and some come from our own childhoods traditions. Tradition list: 1. Christmas tree goes up on Thanksgiving while watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. The second year we were married I wanted to s...