Words Are Not Enough

There are days when words are not enough. Even the most reverent and noble of our language falls short of the emotions tied to them. Words often seem pointless in the middle of heartache and tragedy. The only words that seem to matter are those we can feel, but cannot fully explain. This week our community has learned that the words we lack in times of great sorrow are lived instead of spoken; through acts of faith, hope and love. FAITH : It is easy in a world of pain, war, and chaos to lose faith in humanity. Yet, today, as I passed thousands of flags honoring the ultimate sacrifice of a brave marine, beloved son, caring brother, trusted friend, and a Cardinal graduate, my faith was restored. Lance Corporal Adam Wolff was laid to rest after making the ultimate sacrifice for his country. There is nothing we can say to express how humbled, honored, and saddened we are for the loss his family has endured. However, the acts ...