How to Keep Warm in the Classroom this Winter

The long winter months can settle into your bones, and seep into your skin. The biting winds, blowing snow, ice covered playground can bring a chill to more than just your nose. It can make you feel less than cheerful. The warmth that usually works its way into your heart may be harder to find when all you want to do is curl up in your cozy bed, with a book and a hot beverage. However, no matter what you feel like you still have a job to do. Unlike other professions, you cannot hide away in your office or cubicle. Instead you are surrounded all day by small or large students begging for your positive attention. They do not care if you are in a slump, or feeling the winter cold blues. They want you to be present, not just there. So, I have a few suggestions to help you keep warm in your classroom when Old Man Winter has curled your toes in agony. Bracelets Sisters reminding us to be kind even if we are faced with the cold. 1. SMILE! Yes that is right. Smile, when you feel bad, dow...