Using our Student Reference Books to find interesting information. WELCOME ABOARD! Another year is here! I am now the proud teacher amid a crew of some AMAZING fourth graders at Cardinal Community School District. These kids are so talented, fun, and such a great team. Playing Number Top It It has been a fantastic first week. The theme of my room this year is a battleship. We are the USS AMERICA and we must work together to make her float. The students must work in their battle stations (desks) to make sure we can "go with the flow." Each group of seven has a helmsman at the wheel and they are leading their ship. There are supply crews, quarters inspectors, security detail, navigators, and munition specialists, deck hands, and aquamarine specialists. They must all work together to make it get to the other side of fourth grade. Green Group Working Hard Red Group working on their Walk In My Shoes poster Blue Group concentrating o...