Lettington takes on Ragbrai

Growing up in Iowa gives us a unique perspective. A perspective learned through hard work, grit, and late nights in the fields during planting and harvest season. We are a people who know what the power of prayer really can do, and are always willing to jump in to help another in need, even if you do not know them. The outpouring of love for the Lettington family has been amazing, and donations raised for Loren, his beautiful wife Megan and their two small children have been truly outstanding. $3000 dollars was raised in a matter of two weeks. People from all over the world showed they have a little Iowan inside their hearts as they gave during the Christmas season. However, I am writing to update the readers on Loren and his progress, and let you know of another opportunity to give back to the community. “Tougher than Most,” is the motto around the Lettington household, as Loren and his family face the challenges of his horrific accident. Loren and Megan just arrived...