The smell of clean hallways, new notebooks, and freshly sharpened pencils have always been delightful aromas in my opinion. So, for me, the first day of school is one filled with lots of pleasing scents infused with promise and hope. I see a clean piece of paper as a blank piece of opportunity to share powerful thoughts. A freshly sharpened pencil is the tool that can inscribe a message into the future. A clean locker is an area soon to be filled with personality not just empty Red Bull cans. My classroom, freshly decorated, organized and scrubbed is a room waiting on it's new family. Yes, I love the first day of school! My first day 2012 Today as I was standing in the hallway, I was enjoying the buzz and excitement milling around me. I watched students come pouring into the building from all directions. They were all dressed in their best, and some tried not to look too pressed and clean, but they all looked nice. Even though, they were wearing diffe...