The Latest in Lingo

The teenage population is highly unpredictable, and full of flair and colorful language to say the least. I believe my face turns beat red on a daily basis. I am embarrassed easily, but sometimes it is a small slip of the tongue that causes the most interesting moments. I learned the hard way that when a student uses a word that I do not understand, I pretend to know what it means, then go check . Never, and I mean never, ask the student what that term means. You may be getting much more information than you bargained for. Hence, I now understand the differences in the colors of showers. Please do not ask because I will not explain that reference, as it was mortifying the first time. There are a few things that have not changed in the minds of kids though. The terminology that still brings laughter no matter the age of the students are any words that have to do with bodily functions, body parts, or noises that can be made with any body part. I cannot t...