End of the Day: Just the Beginning
It is the end of the day and I am sitting at my desk feeling tired, with a slight headache pulsating in the back of my head. Truthfully, I just cannot wait to go home. My day has ticked by without a whole lot of excitement, and I am feeling a little "blah." However, looking over the day I am glad to report there were no fist fights in the middle of class, swearing was minimal, and the students were pretty focused. Yet, I am looking at the clock wondering why it seems frozen, when all I want to do is drag myself to the car, somehow get home, and fall asleep. Thirteen minutes to go before I can leave per contractual duties, so I might as well read the daily journal prompts and improve my sour attitude. Sigh. Wow, these kiddos really worked hard on their prompt today with the exception of a few. The prompt was; "Would you be proud if your future children turned out like you? Why or Why Not?" I am intrigued by many of the very blunt, and sometimes depressing stateme...